-008' Free Sounds

20 Free Synchronous RE Patches
Here areĀ 20Ā Free Rack Extension Patches that I made for the propellerhed Synchronous āTimed Effect Modulatorā. Good for Pads, Keys, Samples or anything.
20 Free Synchronous RE Patches
Here areĀ 20Ā Free Rack Extension Patches that I made for the propellerhed Synchronous āTimed Effect Modulatorā. Good for Pads, Keys, Samples or anything.

Download Free Europa Patches | VST or Rack Exte...
Free Europa patches for RE or VST versions!
Download Free Europa Patches | VST or Rack Exte...
Free Europa patches for RE or VST versions!

PolySix RomDisk
50 Polysix.repatch files & 10 Combinators for the Korg Rack Extension in propellerhead Reason.
PolySix RomDisk
50 Polysix.repatch files & 10 Combinators for the Korg Rack Extension in propellerhead Reason.

CorrecTime ReFill
This free Reason ReFill mimics the "time correct" function invented by Roger Linn. He included it in the first Linn drums and, carried this feature with him to the Akai...
CorrecTime ReFill
This free Reason ReFill mimics the "time correct" function invented by Roger Linn. He included it in the first Linn drums and, carried this feature with him to the Akai...

Space Fights
Space Fights gets it's inspiration from a movie about Wars in the Stars. Sound FX & Foley using Reason native devices, in 50 Combinator patches.
Space Fights
Space Fights gets it's inspiration from a movie about Wars in the Stars. Sound FX & Foley using Reason native devices, in 50 Combinator patches.

Monotron Samples & Loops
Here is a FREE synth ReFill I made from my Korg Monotron. There are combinators made entirely from waveforms, from Thor only, and others combining methods. I played the synth...
Monotron Samples & Loops
Here is a FREE synth ReFill I made from my Korg Monotron. There are combinators made entirely from waveforms, from Thor only, and others combining methods. I played the synth...