Combinator Info:
- Matrex Rextrix [RUN] - Matrix & Rex fun. Careful with those curves!
- Multisamp - Velocity arranged slices. Small but fun
- Percul8in' - Gluttonous overuse of rpg-8
- Alt Fills - Fast off beat, 2 keys at a time works best. C1 to B1
- FSB Twerk(FSB Example) - Factory Sound Bank, 3 Note Patch C1 to D1
- Redrum Pattern Player(and empty) - Browse slice samples, step sequence your patterns, & play
My cohort recently sent me a 3 min 28 sec recording he made of a handrum. He said it was only a "warmup" type track, but I thought it sounded great! First, I ReCycled the file and made a bunch of loops. I then used those rex files to build the combinators, and now we have the "Random Handrum". MODE (Rotary) and HOLD (Button) are the most important things to remember.
1 comment
very nice…