The One Synth Song Excercise

This is a really great technique for diving in to a new (or old) synth and really raising up your understanding of it, quickly. It also helps you to learn general synthesis techniques. The idea is very simple. Make a beat or song, using only one synth. Yes, for the drums too. ;) (OK so the drums probably won't be the best they can be, but that's cool... it's the practice of "learning by using" that matters here. Go as far as you can get!

I believe thatĀ learning things by immersion really does work.Ā  IMO there is no better way to learn the ins and outs of a synth than immersing yourself in it, and there is no better way to immerse yourself in a synth than using only that synth to (try) and make a song.

I've gotten pretty good... fairly decent... completely average at this by now.

Here are 3 examples, using rack extensions:

One synth Song | Parsec

One Synth Song | Antidote

One Synth Song | Viking


Easy to do

You already have what you need. Pick a synth and go.Ā Thor, one of the RE below, any of the vast number of VST's available..

Great for a 30 day trial...

It seems I do this without thinking now. Every time IĀ get a new RE or synth it seems that I go right back to this exercise. Try this the next time you demo or trial or buy a synth.

So what do you guys think? Do you ever practice this method? Leave a link in the comments and share!

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